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GeoProd - Présentation scénario Gestionnaire

Management / Customer Support Demonstration

By | demonstration

We start with the login page, where the manager must log in with their own credentials.
We then arrive at the dashboard area. Upon opening, Geoprod instantly displays announcements or service notes for the users. Like this example indicating a reminder about the referral procedure. By closing the window, let's now move on to the dashboard details. The dashboard consists of various modules:

  • We have a reminders and tasks section where the manager can create or view past and upcoming actions.
  • A call tracking module by type, duration, and period.
  • A mail tracking module by period that we will examine in more detail.

These modules are customizable with the ability to move or delete them.

  • We have a ticket space, an important tool for history and tracking during the processing phase.
  • A business space that encompasses all the production carried out by various networks of the company.
  • We also have, through these two icons, a notification space for incoming emails and messages from networks.
  • A chat feature allows managers to send short messages to other colleagues within the company.

Let's move on to the Business sectionwhere the management department can find all the cases handled by the production departments: the latest processing statuses, access to the case, a summary of the case, and telephony. The manager will now filter all the cases in pre-registration for control purposes. The list is displayed, allowing the manager to perform bulk actions or restricted exports by accessing a case from the VHD network.

The manager can create a new case using these buttons. Here, let's access a secure payment module that will update the lower section, known as the "quittance." We can find the elements of the subscription that can open the complete file and access the referral section. The manager reviews all the elements, the added comments, the contract information, and if a payment or fee is associated with it. Depending on the payment or payment method, receipts are created in this space. The documents section, tickets, communication space, and history are also available, especially the communication history in our example of a new VAD case.

The manager will be able to control the quality and compliance of the interview and signature through monitoring Here, once done, they proceed to the next step by changing the status of the case. The signature is compliant, and the manager approves it. The case has successfully changed its status. The manager then moves on to the document step of the subscription, where they review the content and compile the complete file to be sent by email to the company for registration. An automated email is generated with the link to the complete file and the link to the tariff calculator for rate validation. The manager can then choose to send it immediately or schedule it, changing the status to proceed to the next step of registration, which is updated in the list. Once the cases are transmitted to the campaign, Geoprod, through its BPM system, automates the update of the issued cases on the company interfaces. Once the action is completed, a symbol indicates that the status of the case has been generated by the computer robot. The control process for this case is complete.

Now let's access the mail management. This space is dedicated to tracking outgoing mail, which is important in the processing cycle of new cases, especially for managing cancellation letters. With this button, the manager can perform batch actions such as changing a scheduled send date or deleting a shipment. They can add a new send schedule as well. The display of indicators is done here. The list includes all the mails with different statuses based on the processing stage. These icons allow access to the PDF of the mail or open the shipment details. Let's go to the filter to search for the scheduled registered letters for the month of September. Once the list is displayed, we can observe our statuses and notice orange and red colors alerting us that a schedule has not been followed and our mail has not been sent. The manager can then take appropriate action. Let's see the details of a mail. Here, the identifier of our mail will be shared between Geoprod and the distribution provider. Several elements are included: the creation date, details based on the type of mail, the function of attaching the mail to the case, opportunity, or ticket, an indicator for the status, the sender, the recipient, and the name of the prospect or member, and the link to the relevant case or opportunity.

The ticket module is crucial in all intervention phases of the management service, whether it involves the production and sales teams, the companies, or the members. The manager can perform batch actions, access ticket details, and create a new one, as shown here. The manager selects the category and within each category, a ticket subject. They then fill in the information, attach files, and save the ticket. Let's go back to the list and open a created ticket. We find the reference, status, a PDF export function, various information about the ticket creator, for whom it is intended, which opportunity it relates to, and which case it is associated with. The dates, the list of tasks assigned to different recipients who can, once completed, check them off to mark the task as completed. There is a description, attached documents, and the treatment history.

Let's conclude our demonstration with the creation of an announcement. As we saw at the application's opening, it allows for the dissemination of information to the entire staff or specific groups by defining the category and importance. Depending on the level of importance, it is possible to require an acknowledgment of receipt before closing the window. And, of course, there is the description of the information itself.

Au revoir ! N'hésitez pas à revenir pour une autre démonstration de GeoProd. À bientôt !

GeoProd - Présentation scénario Commercial Terrain

Field Sales Representative Demonstration

By | demonstration

Presentation of Field Sales Scenario on the Geoprod System

Let's start with the Login page where the sales representative needs to log in with their own credentials. We then arrive at the dashboard. Upon opening, Geoprod instantly displays announcements or service notes for the users. For example, there may be a reminder about the referral procedure.

On closing this window, let's move on to the details of the dashboard. The dashboard consists of different fully customizable modules. Here, we have performance reminders for the sales representative based on revenue, number of contacted opportunities by date per month, and by sector. The sales representative has the ability to add and rearrange modules. Additionally, through these two icons, there is a notifications area for incoming emails and messages from networks configured in Geoprod. The Chat feature allows the sales representative to send short messages to other colleagues in the company. In this section, we have a summary list of the latest deals closed by the sales representative. They can easily view the status of completed deals and quickly identify processing and follow-up information. In this section, there is access to tickets, which are important modules for interdepartmental communication and historical records, whether related to deals, technical support, or various questions and suggestions. In this space, we can see all the appointment opportunities assigned to the sales representative. Let's take the example of this latest one, where the sources can be diverse. Through this icon, the sales representative is alerted about duplicate records. To contact the prospect, with Geoprod, they can simply click on the phone icon to be connected to the contact person.

Now let's access the sales representative's list of opportunities. We can see various symbols here. This pop-up indicates that a new appointment opportunity has been added to the list below. And as before, the sales representative can access the phone call, identify a duplicate, or view the details of the poster, as we are doing here. Some information is retrieved through web service connections or file integrations. We can see the call button. Let's review some details of the poster, divided into sections based on the type of information: contact details, current contract details, any associated documents, and comments. The sales representative can access the calendar and view the week related to this appointment, and they can easily rearrange it. We will explore the calendar functions in detail shortly. In the follow-up with this prospect, after contacting them, our sales representative will update their record with a reminder status. To do this, they access the list of different possible statuses, which, as a reminder, can be configured. The record has now changed its status, as indicated, and the action is recorded.

Let's move on to the communication module, which lists several categories and, within each category, configurable and programmable templates. Like here, the history module allows tracking all the interventions carried out on this opportunity, such as the actions taken, the tickets created, and the communications made, each with a search key.

Let's go back to the list of opportunities and access the agendaThe sales representative can quickly get an overview of the different types of scheduled appointments. Here, an alert indicates a message on the internal chat. To identify the appointments, on the right side, there is a legend with color codes and other appointments for easy reading. By simply hovering over an appointment, the sales representative can get a summary, access the details of the appointment, and use the assistant, which we will see in a moment. They can add an appointment, and Geoprod opens a window with various suggestions that are most suitable based on the schedule and sector of the appointment.

Returning to an appointment on the agenda, let's access the Geoprod assistant, an essential tool for field sales representatives. The interactive map displays the week's appointments with different markers. Using the calendar, the sales representative can view the appointments for the day, modify the time if necessary, and Geoprod will indicate the distance in kilometers and the travel time in minutes between each appointment. Starting from the selected reference appointment of the day, the sales representative can easily move it to other days of the week and quickly assess the optimization of this change. By clicking on the reference appointment, the sales representative can use the button to view the neighborhood of the meeting location and gain a better understanding of the environment. Additionally, by clicking on the "Proposal" button, the sales representative can receive decision support based on the already scheduled appointments for the upcoming days, including the number of appointments and the distance, allowing them to make the most optimal decisions. The sales representative can also enhance their day by adding opportunities from their reminders, unexplored leads, or previously completed appointments, which are displayed instantly.

Prenons l’opportunité de Monsieur Jean Edouard, pour lequel notre commercial a adressé une proposition. Nous accédons à l’historique pour visualiser les détails. Et par cette icône, notre commercial peut retourner directement sur l’étude transmise et ainsi valider le contrat avec le prospect. Le contrat est souscrit. Nous revenons sur la page des opportunités et nous pouvons voir que notre exemple est passé automatiquement en statut vente. Vérifions l’espace Affaires pour suivre le cycle de vie de cette opportunité. Nous arrivant sur l’ensemble des affaires réalisées par le commercial et nous retrouvons notre exemple de Monsieur Jean Edouard. Il s’affiche en statut annoncé. Nous l’ouvrant ; le commercial effectue les vérifications nécessaires en passant en revue chaque partie et rattache les pièces constituant le contrat avant l’envoi au service conformité et gestion. Tout est bon. Le commercial peut clôturer sa partie. L’affaire est bien enregistrée côté commercial. Elle passe maintenant dans « phase de contrôle et validation » auprès du service gestion et conformité.

À bientôt pour une autre démonstration de Geoprod


What the Coronavirus Has Changed

By | Télétravail

Remote Work and Technology: What the Coronavirus Has Changed

The physical absence of employees from their workplace will in no way hinder them from accomplishing their daily tasks, given that the company is equipped with a powerful solution. If you also wish to enable your employees to work efficiently from remote locations while maintaining oversight of the activities performed by your remote teams, a reliable CRM-BPM tool is indispensable.

Continuous, Easy, and Fast Remote Information Sharing

Remote work entails a new working environment for your employees. No more informal exchanges at the office or around the coffee machine! You will need to find an effective way to facilitate sharing so that your team members are kept informed about project progress and don't feel isolated at home. They will also need constant access to all the information they usually have at the office in order to perform their tasks just as productively.

With a reliable CRM-BPM software, your employees will have access to a platform for sharing essential information related to their work, no matter where they are located. This will enable them to work efficiently and autonomously.

Improved Data Organization and Project Tracking

This forced experience of remote work has highlighted certain shortcomings in the information systems of many companies. However, it is precisely these gaps that can hinder your employees from working efficiently outside their usual workplace.

For instance, a disorganized database can lead to confusion, which in turn results in decreased productivity. This is especially true when your employees are working from home with numerous potential distractions. With a comprehensive CRM-BPM solution, information related to ongoing projects becomes easier to organize, locate, and utilize.

Some companies still use separate systems to manage their customer data on one hand and their internal business functions on the other. A two-in-one system that can centralize information and distribute it in a timely manner to remote workers will simplify your life during periods of remote work.

Improved Organization and Task Coordination

The centralization of stored information and the use of workflow tools will allow your teams to clearly define responsibilities and tasks for each individual within a process.

A rigorous and intelligent organization facilitated within your company will enable you to achieve your objectives and reach results more quickly, even in remote work conditions. If your teams are not physically together, they will still have the impression of truly working together thanks to GeoProd's CRM-BPM solution.

This tool will also assist each remote worker in developing personal work methodologies. With a clear overview of the set goals and the means available to achieve them, everyone can organize themselves effectively without wasting time.

Efficient Control of Activities, in Any Circumstances

The CRM-BPM solution provides you with functionalities that ensure productivity and control of your remote teams. The tasks performed, ongoing activities, and information entering, exiting, and circulating within your company will hold no secrets for you. Managers can easily monitor the progress of missions dedicated to their teams remotely and ensure the continuity of their business effectiveness.

As you may have understood, telework and technology are inseparable. GeoProd's unique and intuitive platform offers you a virtual workspace that is accessible and functional around the clock, enabling your employees to remain motivated and high-performing in any circumstances! Our solution, which facilitates remote work, has already ensured the business continuity of numerous companies during the lockdown. So why not adopt it for your own organization?


Remote Work and Technology: What the Coronavirus Has Changed

By | Télétravail

Remote Work and Technology: What the Coronavirus Has Changed

Encouraging remote work, the government and many business leaders have helped limit the spread of the Coronavirus. Following the health crisis, this mode of work has become widespread globally and promises to revolutionize the way we work. However, the widespread adoption of remote work requires efficient management tools! Remote work and technology inevitably go hand in hand for employees to continue performing their jobs as if they were in the office.

Are you looking to provide your employees with all the necessary resources for optimal task execution outside of the company? Are you searching for a comprehensive and efficient tool that allows you to maintain control over all remote activities? Let's explore a reliable CRM-BPM solution that meets your needs!

A lasting trend revolutionizing our way of working

A cultural revolution in the world of work
The lockdown has led to the widespread adoption of remote work around the world and has familiarized the French with a concept that was far from being embraced before the crisis. In fact, according to a 2019 study conducted by Dares,, the statistical service of the Ministry of Labor, prior to the pandemic, only 3% of private sector employees regularly worked remotely. But during the lockdown, as many as four out of ten private sector employees continued working through remote work. A first in France!

Millions of employers and employees who were previously reluctant had no choice but to take the leap. However, this forced experience of remote work seems to have ultimately won over a large majority, as many of them continue to practice this approach at least part-time since the lifting of the lockdown. The benefits of remote work are numerous, including reduced absenteeism and delays, decreased expenses for office space and transportation, time savings, reduced stress, increased comfort, autonomy, and flexibility for employees. There are many advantages to working remotely!

A trend widely followed internationally
Internationally as well, the COVID-19 pandemic has convinced many companies to extensively adopt remote work. The digital giant Google, for example, has implemented widespread remote work until summer 2021 in Europe, the US, Brazil, and India. In May 2020, the social media king Facebook also announced its intention to have half of its employees working from home permanently within the next five to ten years.

While this change in working mode allows many companies to navigate through the crisis, it nevertheless requires equipping employees accordingly with suitable computers and software.

Télétravail et technologie : un logiciel CRM-BPM qui facilite le travail à distance

The physical absence of employees from their workplace will in no way hinder them from accomplishing their daily tasks, given that the company is equipped with a powerful solution. If you also wish to enable your employees to work efficiently from remote locations while maintaining oversight of the activities performed by your remote teams, a reliable CRM-BPM tool is indispensable.

Continuous, Easy, and Fast Remote Information Sharing
Remote work entails a new working environment for your employees. No more informal exchanges at the office or around the coffee machine! You will need to find an effective way to facilitate sharing so that your team members are kept informed about project progress and don't feel isolated at home. They will also need constant access to all the information they usually have at the office in order to perform their tasks just as productively.

With a reliable CRM-BPM software, your employees will have access to a platform for sharing essential information related to their work, no matter where they are located. This will enable them to work efficiently and autonomously.

Improved Data Organization and Project Tracking
This forced experience of telework has highlighted certain deficiencies in the information systems of many companies. However, it is precisely these gaps that can hinder your employees from working efficiently outside their usual workplace.

For instance, a disorganized database can lead to confusion, which in turn results in decreased productivity. This is especially true when your employees are working from home with numerous potential distractions. With a comprehensive CRM-BPM solution, information related to ongoing projects becomes easier to organize, locate, and utilize.

Some companies still use separate systems to manage their customer data on one hand and their internal business functions on the other. A two-in-one system that can centralize information and distribute it in a timely manner to remote workers will simplify your life during periods of remote work.

Improved Organization and Task Coordination
The centralization of stored information and the use of workflow tools will allow your teams to clearly define responsibilities and tasks for each individual within a process.

A rigorous and intelligent organization facilitated within your company will enable you to achieve your objectives and reach results more quickly, even in remote work conditions. If your teams are not physically together, they will still have the impression of truly working together thanks to GeoProd's CRM-BPM solution.

This tool will also assist each remote worker in developing personal work methodologies. With a clear overview of the set goals and the means available to achieve them, everyone can organize themselves effectively without wasting time.

Efficient Control of Activities, in Any Circumstances
The CRM-BPM solution provides you with functionalities that ensure productivity and control of your remote teams. The tasks performed, ongoing activities, and information entering, exiting, and circulating within your company will hold no secrets for you. Managers can easily monitor the progress of missions dedicated to their teams remotely and ensure the continuity of their business effectiveness.

As you may have understood, telework and technology are inseparable. GeoProd's unique and intuitive platform offers you a virtual workspace that is accessible and functional around the clock, enabling your employees to remain motivated and high-performing in any circumstances! Our solution, which facilitates remote work, has already ensured the business continuity of numerous companies during the lockdown. So why not adopt it for your own organization?

Journées du courtage septembre 2020

The Brokerage Days September 2020

By | Technologie

The Brokerage Days in Paris are the annual meeting of key players in the insurance industry
in France and Europe. The exhibition brings together 200 suppliers of products and services
for Brokers, Insurers, and Mutuals.

Neopolis Development invites you to visit their booth during these two days (September 15th and 16th, 2020). It is an essential appointment to present you with completely innovative solutions and services, such as Instant Rating & Comparison, an instant premium calculation and coverage comparison platform for all your partners.

GeoProd, a comprehensive CRM-BPM tool accessible in SaaS (Software as a Service) mode. No need to buy or install software anymore, the "SaaS" mode allows you to use our solution online by simply subscribing to a subscription.

An ideal solution for Insurers, Mutuals, and Brokers in the digital transformation of all their processes, an exceptional tool combining the power of the best CRMs, the organization and compliance of BPM, and the artificial intelligence of machines.


How does a CRM contribute to improving sales efficiency?

By | Technologie

How does a CRM contribute to improving sales efficiency?

Do you want to boost your sales force? Save time for your salespeople? Help your managers be more productive? In the digital age, it is essential to have a CRM software to enhance sales efficiency, especially in the banking and insurance sectors. This Customer Relationship Management tool allows you to centralize all information regarding your prospects and clients. This way, you will have a clear view of your company's activities. Let's focus on CRM as a sales performance tool!

Unwanted phone calls, closed doors, and impersonal emails that clutter business inboxes while delivering a message that is irrelevant to their needs: traditional sales prospecting seems to have its limitations. These outdated practices usually result in a waste of time for your teams. Incomplete contact details and outdated information force your teams to manually work on databases to try to update them.

Improving sales force performance

An excellent reporting tool for managers
In order to make the best decisions for the company's development, managers need to analyze, measure, and track the performance of their sales teams.

A CRM software will enable team leaders to visualize customer and prospect data in a matter of seconds. With key performance indicators, they can generate reports and share them with the salespeople. It's a real driver of growth for your company!

A mobility solution for field sales representatives
Between their various client meetings, your sales representatives spend a lot of time on the road. In order for them to remain efficient in their tasks, it is essential that these mobile teams have access to all customer data, no matter where they are.

With a CRM software, the sales representative can connect to the central system from any device. Before their meeting, they can review the customer relationship history and make more effective proposals. During the meeting, they can take customer orders and generate quotes. By equipping your mobile agents with the right tool, you enable them to enhance their sales efficiency.

Better synergy between teams
If you want to improve the sales performance of your teams, it is important to enhance communication between managers and mobile sales representatives. In a CRM software, all customer data is consolidated in one place. This tool promotes interactive work: all your collaborators can access the same database and have visibility on tasks to be accomplished, scheduled meetings, and events. This centralized information will enable your teams to be more productive.

Increase sales efficiency through internal organization

A CRM to automate repetitive tasks
Your sales representatives should spend the majority of their time on selling, but the reality is quite different. Their schedules are usually divided between sales tasks and administrative tasks. What if you could save time and effort for your teams through a suitable tool?

CRM is the ideal solution to accelerate the growth of your business through the automation of low-value tasks. Your teams will only need to define processes (or workflows) and then automate them. For example, they can automate the email prospecting system, lead allocation, or appointment scheduling. Your employees will be able to fully dedicate themselves to sales tasks and be more effective in sales operations!

A software to prioritize leads
Not all prospects and customers have the same potential. If your teams spend all their time and effort on the wrong targets, they won't be very effective. Instead of manually analyzing all customer data, you can use a CRM software that will automate the prioritization process. Your sales team will know who to contact first among the list of leads.

Support for structuring customer information
To facilitate daily activity tracking, all data about your customer base will be structured in client or prospect profiles. Your sales teams will have access to clear and relevant information about the customer relationship history at any time. Sales representatives can leverage this data to implement email or phone marketing actions. It's an effective way to reach new prospects or foster customer loyalty.

Providing better customer service

A tool to enhance customer support
With an integrated ticket management system within the CRM, you can offer improved after-sales service to your customers. If they have any questions, they can simply send you an email, call you, or respond to the contact form on your website, and a ticket will be automatically created. This system enables you to respond quickly, ensuring optimal customer satisfaction!

At GeoProd, we offer a CRM-BPM solution tailored to the banking, insurance, and mutual sectors. Our tool will assist you in generating personalized automated responses specific to your industry. Enhanced customer support is crucial for boosting sales efficiency!

A solution to engage with customers at the right time
As your CRM analyzes customer data, you can create personalized campaigns targeting them. These campaigns will be triggered at the opportune moment for each individual customer. By creating customer segments, your teams can optimize every sales opportunity.

Efficiently manage your business relationships with GeoProd, a highly effective tool that ensures the improvement of your sales forces, optimized internal organization, and enhanced customer service!


Balancing remote work and performance: everything you need to know

By | Télétravail

Balancing remote work and performance: everything you need to know

Remote work is gaining popularity. More and more employees are interested in this mode of operation that was once considered marginal. And the lockdown measures due to Covid-19 have only reinforced this trend! This period of "forced" telework has changed mindsets within many companies. Working from home has numerous advantages for employers and employees, but it also poses a significant challenge for HR departments. Fortunately, tools have been implemented to facilitate this new way of working. Let's delve into all of this in more detail!

The advantages of remote work

Balancing personal and professional life
Remote work is becoming increasingly popular because it allows for an improved quality of life. By working from home, you can dedicate more time to your family instead of being stuck in traffic. With a little organization, you can arrange your schedule more flexibly to spend more time with your loved ones.

Designing your workspace as desired
Whether it's in the living room facing the window or in a personalized home office, you can choose the place in your house that inspires you the most to work. You'll be in your own inspiring cocoon, rather than in an office set up for an entire team of employees.

Reducing travel and fuel consumption
No more wasted hours every week commuting to the office! You'll finally have time to dedicate to your hobbies in the morning and after work. This reduction in travel is also great news for the planet and for your wallet.

Working without being distracted by colleagues
By working from home, you'll finally be able to complete a task without being interrupted by a colleague. As you'll be less distracted by what's happening in your workspace, you'll be more productive at work. You can work calmly and at your own pace to avoid falling behind on your tasks.

Reorganizing office spaces
Teleworking is also an opportunity for the company. With fewer people in the premises, the workspace can be adjusted according to the reduced number of on-site workers. This means that you'll have more space to create relaxation areas and arrange desks with more distance between them.

New roles for HR departments

Given the growing importance of teleworking in the business world, HR departments need to find new organizational methods to monitor employees. Their mission is to ensure that employees manage their working time properly. They will need to strike the right balance between rigidity and flexibility to support managers in implementing all the necessary changes within the company.

Tools to facilitate teleworking

Communication platforms
To communicate effectively, it is essential for your company to equip itself with collaborative tools. Your employees will be able to exchange instant messages, make voice or video calls from any device, and in a secure manner.

Web conferencing solutions
Having tools to set up web conferences is essential for efficient and secure teleworking. Your teams will be able to hold remote meetings that are just as effective as face-to-face ones.

Document sharing solutions
Equipping your company with document sharing solutions will also simplify collaboration between teleworkers, traveling salespeople, and office-based employees. Documents stored in the cloud become collaborative and can be shared and edited in real-time.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software
CRM systems allow for effective and efficient customer relationship management. All data is centralized in a single tool, and your employees can access it from anywhere they work. Ideal for teleworkers, but also for mobile salespeople! A good CRM is essential for optimal customer satisfaction.

Are you looking for a collaborative CRM to enhance your sales performance? Discover GeoProd, a tool that integrates CRM and BPM, allowing you to manage your customer relationships remotely!


AI-Powered CRM: An Exceptional Tool for Businesses

By | Télétravail

AI-Powered CRM: An Exceptional Tool for Businesses

Do you want to convert more prospects? Retain your customers? Then you need to provide the best customer experience possible. For that, your sales service must be fast, high-quality, and personalized. An AI-powered CRM is the ideal tool to achieve these goals. It not only automates repetitive tasks but also helps you make the right decisions to achieve better sales results. Let's dive into the AI-enabled Customer Relationship Management software!

What is an AI-powered CRM?

A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a software tool used for managing customer relationships in a business. It stores personal and commercial customer data and organizes it to facilitate the work of human resources. For even greater efficiency, some high-quality CRMs operate with artificial intelligence.

AI enables the software to make decisions similar to those made by a human. These decisions are based on the experience recorded by the machine through Machine Learning.

There are two types of artificial intelligence:

  • Conversational artificial intelligence, also known as "weak artificial intelligence," enables machines to imitate human conversations.
  • Reasoning artificial intelligence, also known as "strong artificial intelligence," enables machines to learn, plan, make judgments, interpret, and find solutions to problems.
Conversational AI in CRM

Voice Assistants
Your teams likely spend a significant portion of their work time on repetitive and time-consuming administrative tasks. During phone calls, they have to manually enter all customer information and then process it.

To address this issue, AI-powered CRMs include voice assistants. These tools analyze, transcribe, and translate oral conversations with your customers.

They then structure these voice commands into tasks within the CRM, which are accessible to your team members. With this solution, your teams can manage their schedules much more efficiently, and your customers will be satisfied with the swift assistance.

Voice assistants can also be used for dictating emails. This is another way for your teams to save valuable time that they can dedicate to more important tasks.

More and more company websites are now equipped with chatbots. These are conversational agents that automate the process of responding to customer inquiries. These virtual assistants are capable of interacting with users in a human-like manner.

Chatbots operate with artificial intelligence: they understand and analyze user queries based on stored data. This tool is highly beneficial to businesses as it enables responsive and dynamic customer service while saving time for employees.

Reasoned AI in a Customer Relationship Management Software

Task Prioritization
The CRM software will assist you in determining the likelihood of converting a prospect into a customer. It can prioritize tasks to increase your sales efficiency.

You will know which actions to take and when the opportune moment is. Not all leads need to be immediately addressed. You just need to identify the most urgent tasks. An AI-powered CRM is the ideal tool to improve customer satisfaction and enhance performance.

Automated Predictions
Your CRM holds a history of customer data that can be organized and analyzed by algorithms using AI. With this data, the software can provide recommendations on how to best address customer demands.

For example, the software can advise you on the preferred support channel for a specific client. These predictions made by your tool through artificial intelligence will help you convert more prospects and retain existing customers.

Revenue Forecasting
Classifying all the data that contributed to revenue generation in your company can be challenging. An AI-powered CRM can analyze revenue-related data and draw conclusions to forecast your future revenue. This way, you can determine if your efforts are paying off or if adjustments are necessary.

If you're looking for a CRM-BPM software that utilizes artificial intelligence, GeoProd is the solution you need. This exceptional tool, dedicated to the banking, insurance, and mutual sectors, will effectively convert prospects into customers.