

GeoProd - Présentation scénario Gestionnaire

Management / Customer Support Demonstration

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We start with the login page, where the manager must log in with their own credentials.
We then arrive at the dashboard area. Upon opening, Geoprod instantly displays announcements or service notes for the users. Like this example indicating a reminder about the referral procedure. By closing the window, let's now move on to the dashboard details. The dashboard consists of various modules:

  • We have a reminders and tasks section where the manager can create or view past and upcoming actions.
  • A call tracking module by type, duration, and period.
  • A mail tracking module by period that we will examine in more detail.

These modules are customizable with the ability to move or delete them.

  • We have a ticket space, an important tool for history and tracking during the processing phase.
  • A business space that encompasses all the production carried out by various networks of the company.
  • We also have, through these two icons, a notification space for incoming emails and messages from networks.
  • A chat feature allows managers to send short messages to other colleagues within the company.

Let's move on to the Business sectionwhere the management department can find all the cases handled by the production departments: the latest processing statuses, access to the case, a summary of the case, and telephony. The manager will now filter all the cases in pre-registration for control purposes. The list is displayed, allowing the manager to perform bulk actions or restricted exports by accessing a case from the VHD network.

The manager can create a new case using these buttons. Here, let's access a secure payment module that will update the lower section, known as the "quittance." We can find the elements of the subscription that can open the complete file and access the referral section. The manager reviews all the elements, the added comments, the contract information, and if a payment or fee is associated with it. Depending on the payment or payment method, receipts are created in this space. The documents section, tickets, communication space, and history are also available, especially the communication history in our example of a new VAD case.

The manager will be able to control the quality and compliance of the interview and signature through monitoring Here, once done, they proceed to the next step by changing the status of the case. The signature is compliant, and the manager approves it. The case has successfully changed its status. The manager then moves on to the document step of the subscription, where they review the content and compile the complete file to be sent by email to the company for registration. An automated email is generated with the link to the complete file and the link to the tariff calculator for rate validation. The manager can then choose to send it immediately or schedule it, changing the status to proceed to the next step of registration, which is updated in the list. Once the cases are transmitted to the campaign, Geoprod, through its BPM system, automates the update of the issued cases on the company interfaces. Once the action is completed, a symbol indicates that the status of the case has been generated by the computer robot. The control process for this case is complete.

Now let's access the mail management. This space is dedicated to tracking outgoing mail, which is important in the processing cycle of new cases, especially for managing cancellation letters. With this button, the manager can perform batch actions such as changing a scheduled send date or deleting a shipment. They can add a new send schedule as well. The display of indicators is done here. The list includes all the mails with different statuses based on the processing stage. These icons allow access to the PDF of the mail or open the shipment details. Let's go to the filter to search for the scheduled registered letters for the month of September. Once the list is displayed, we can observe our statuses and notice orange and red colors alerting us that a schedule has not been followed and our mail has not been sent. The manager can then take appropriate action. Let's see the details of a mail. Here, the identifier of our mail will be shared between Geoprod and the distribution provider. Several elements are included: the creation date, details based on the type of mail, the function of attaching the mail to the case, opportunity, or ticket, an indicator for the status, the sender, the recipient, and the name of the prospect or member, and the link to the relevant case or opportunity.

The ticket module is crucial in all intervention phases of the management service, whether it involves the production and sales teams, the companies, or the members. The manager can perform batch actions, access ticket details, and create a new one, as shown here. The manager selects the category and within each category, a ticket subject. They then fill in the information, attach files, and save the ticket. Let's go back to the list and open a created ticket. We find the reference, status, a PDF export function, various information about the ticket creator, for whom it is intended, which opportunity it relates to, and which case it is associated with. The dates, the list of tasks assigned to different recipients who can, once completed, check them off to mark the task as completed. There is a description, attached documents, and the treatment history.

Let's conclude our demonstration with the creation of an announcement. As we saw at the application's opening, it allows for the dissemination of information to the entire staff or specific groups by defining the category and importance. Depending on the level of importance, it is possible to require an acknowledgment of receipt before closing the window. And, of course, there is the description of the information itself.

Au revoir ! N'hésitez pas à revenir pour une autre démonstration de GeoProd. À bientôt !

GeoProd - Présentation scénario Commercial Terrain

Field Sales Representative Demonstration

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Presentation of Field Sales Scenario on the Geoprod System

Let's start with the Login page where the sales representative needs to log in with their own credentials. We then arrive at the dashboard. Upon opening, Geoprod instantly displays announcements or service notes for the users. For example, there may be a reminder about the referral procedure.

On closing this window, let's move on to the details of the dashboard. The dashboard consists of different fully customizable modules. Here, we have performance reminders for the sales representative based on revenue, number of contacted opportunities by date per month, and by sector. The sales representative has the ability to add and rearrange modules. Additionally, through these two icons, there is a notifications area for incoming emails and messages from networks configured in Geoprod. The Chat feature allows the sales representative to send short messages to other colleagues in the company. In this section, we have a summary list of the latest deals closed by the sales representative. They can easily view the status of completed deals and quickly identify processing and follow-up information. In this section, there is access to tickets, which are important modules for interdepartmental communication and historical records, whether related to deals, technical support, or various questions and suggestions. In this space, we can see all the appointment opportunities assigned to the sales representative. Let's take the example of this latest one, where the sources can be diverse. Through this icon, the sales representative is alerted about duplicate records. To contact the prospect, with Geoprod, they can simply click on the phone icon to be connected to the contact person.

Now let's access the sales representative's list of opportunities. We can see various symbols here. This pop-up indicates that a new appointment opportunity has been added to the list below. And as before, the sales representative can access the phone call, identify a duplicate, or view the details of the poster, as we are doing here. Some information is retrieved through web service connections or file integrations. We can see the call button. Let's review some details of the poster, divided into sections based on the type of information: contact details, current contract details, any associated documents, and comments. The sales representative can access the calendar and view the week related to this appointment, and they can easily rearrange it. We will explore the calendar functions in detail shortly. In the follow-up with this prospect, after contacting them, our sales representative will update their record with a reminder status. To do this, they access the list of different possible statuses, which, as a reminder, can be configured. The record has now changed its status, as indicated, and the action is recorded.

Let's move on to the communication module, which lists several categories and, within each category, configurable and programmable templates. Like here, the history module allows tracking all the interventions carried out on this opportunity, such as the actions taken, the tickets created, and the communications made, each with a search key.

Let's go back to the list of opportunities and access the agendaThe sales representative can quickly get an overview of the different types of scheduled appointments. Here, an alert indicates a message on the internal chat. To identify the appointments, on the right side, there is a legend with color codes and other appointments for easy reading. By simply hovering over an appointment, the sales representative can get a summary, access the details of the appointment, and use the assistant, which we will see in a moment. They can add an appointment, and Geoprod opens a window with various suggestions that are most suitable based on the schedule and sector of the appointment.

Returning to an appointment on the agenda, let's access the Geoprod assistant, an essential tool for field sales representatives. The interactive map displays the week's appointments with different markers. Using the calendar, the sales representative can view the appointments for the day, modify the time if necessary, and Geoprod will indicate the distance in kilometers and the travel time in minutes between each appointment. Starting from the selected reference appointment of the day, the sales representative can easily move it to other days of the week and quickly assess the optimization of this change. By clicking on the reference appointment, the sales representative can use the button to view the neighborhood of the meeting location and gain a better understanding of the environment. Additionally, by clicking on the "Proposal" button, the sales representative can receive decision support based on the already scheduled appointments for the upcoming days, including the number of appointments and the distance, allowing them to make the most optimal decisions. The sales representative can also enhance their day by adding opportunities from their reminders, unexplored leads, or previously completed appointments, which are displayed instantly.

Prenons l’opportunité de Monsieur Jean Edouard, pour lequel notre commercial a adressé une proposition. Nous accédons à l’historique pour visualiser les détails. Et par cette icône, notre commercial peut retourner directement sur l’étude transmise et ainsi valider le contrat avec le prospect. Le contrat est souscrit. Nous revenons sur la page des opportunités et nous pouvons voir que notre exemple est passé automatiquement en statut vente. Vérifions l’espace Affaires pour suivre le cycle de vie de cette opportunité. Nous arrivant sur l’ensemble des affaires réalisées par le commercial et nous retrouvons notre exemple de Monsieur Jean Edouard. Il s’affiche en statut annoncé. Nous l’ouvrant ; le commercial effectue les vérifications nécessaires en passant en revue chaque partie et rattache les pièces constituant le contrat avant l’envoi au service conformité et gestion. Tout est bon. Le commercial peut clôturer sa partie. L’affaire est bien enregistrée côté commercial. Elle passe maintenant dans « phase de contrôle et validation » auprès du service gestion et conformité.

À bientôt pour une autre démonstration de Geoprod